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Heroes on the half shell!


You  wanted more TNMT! You wanted more art from Bryan "The Kaiser" Tillman and Dr. Elvin Hernandez! Well, we want to make you happy!


Kaiser and the good Doctor combine again to give you this incredible break! 15 boxes, absolutely STACKED with art? The most hits per product we've ever produced!


Each box contains:

1 work of art!

1 vintage pack of Teenage Mutant Ninja Cards!


But wait, there's more! Look for hits! Lots of Hits! Seriously, we put in TOO MANY HITS! You'll find animation cells! Larger works of art! And surprises! Yes, there are surprises.


And Elvin's cards can be put together making for a larger pieces. Are you daring enough to try to get the set of good guys AND the set of bad guys?

AND a giveaway! Maybe my favorite giveaway we've given away! TNMT Metalfigs with Kevin Eastman remarques. Yes, plural. FOUR remarques.


Please note that all streaming will now be done through the DCDcollects channels on Twitch and Youtube. Streaming Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings 6PM Pacific (excluding Holidays and special occasions).


Boxes will be numbered on screen and then randomized and sold in that order.


As always, any mystery box product sales are final. If you have any questions about the nature of "mystery box," please ask us before purchasing. Thank you

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Excluding Sales Tax
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